Rumpke Sanitary Landfill

Virtual Field TRIp: RUmpke Sanitary Landfill

Its not a Dump!! Take a tour with KCB through our local landfill and learn all that it takes to safely dispose of our trash. 

Resource Guide

Interested in learning more about waste reductionThis guide includes book recommendations, a nature activity, additional online resources and more! 

Landfill Resource Page_sm.pdf


Use this Activity Packet to test your knowledge of all the things you learned about the Landfill!

Landfill Workbook.pdf

book recommendations

All KCB's environmental literacy recommendations are available through the Hamilton County Public Library, through this easily searchable list available at this link.

by Bethany Barton

Available in eBook, Book

Ages 4-8

by Jeanne Sturme

Available in eBook

Ages 5-7

by Megan McCarthy 

Available in eBook, Book

Ages 7-9

by Isabel Thomas

Available in Book

Ages 8-12 

by Jess French 

Available in eBook, Book

Ages 6-9 

by Ellen Kirk 

Available in eBook, Book

Ages 8-12 

by Erica Fyvie

Available in eBook, Book

Ages 8-12 

by Donna Latham

Available in eBook, Book

Ages 9-12 

Short Videos

How Big The Great Pacific Garbage Patch Really is!

How Do We Solve our Trash Problem?

The Story of Plastic

What if We Just Burned All Our Trash?!



Rumpke's Education offers an abundance of resources for waste education including classroom resources and tours!

Hamilton County Recycling & Solid Waste District

HCRSWD shares classroom program opportunities & assistance for schools who want to reduce their landfill footprint by recycling and composting.